Using a recruitment agency will reduce the time and in-house resource that you need to dedicate to recruitment. It should also lead to a quicker turnaround on filling the vacancies, which in turn leads to increased efficiency of the organisation
If you use a recruitment agency you’re statistically more likely to access the best job-seekers on the market (both active and passive). People who are actively looking for new positions are more likely to register with agencies. In addition, most recruitment agencies will position their vacancy adverts on a range of job boards, and they should understand what it takes for that advert to rank highly in candidates’ job searches. All of this is knowledge that you only get from working in the sector.
Recruitment consultants are experts at screening, filtering and profiling candidates.Your in-house team might not have the same level of expertise. Again this leads to time and cost efficiencies in the long run.
Recruitment agencies will ordinarily only shortlist the correctly qualified personnel, meaning that you don’t have to. Again a huge time saver.
If as a hiring manager you need to get expert opinion about and knowledge of current recruitment legislation, you could make the recruitment agency your first port-of-call’. The agency should know all the relevant requirements and legalities surrounding the industry they’re in.
If you’ve got a role and you’re unsure what the correct salary is for the position, the recruitment agency is ideally placed to give you an accurate market rate using salary data and local market knowledge